Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing an 82-year-old Floridian who rattled off anecdotes from her past with the energy of someone at least half her age.  She still drives, is socially engaged, and takes pleasure in every day she’s given.  Her lifestyle contradicts many of the misconceptions we have about getting older.

In an article for The Wall Street Journal, writer Anne Tergesen listed the following six myths about aging:

  • Myth No. 1: Depression Is More Prevalent in Old Age
  • Myth No. 2: Cognitive Decline Is Inevitable
  • Myth No. 3: Older Workers Are Less Productive
  • Myth No. 4: Loneliness Is More Likely
  • Myth No. 5: Creativity Declines With Age
  • Myth No. 6: More Exercise Is Better

Wrote Tergesen: “Contrary to the stereotype of later life as a time of loneliness, depression and decline, a growing body of scientific research shows that, in many ways, life gets better as we get older.”

The myth-busting research in Tergeson’s article will help you put aging in perspective, and probably make you feel better about never running a marathon.  Read her entire piece here: Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong

And for an inspiring, real-life example of someone who keeps on keepin’ on, check out this piece on 110-year old Agnes Fenton: No Complaints 

For her 110th birthday, a nip of Johnnie Walker Blue Label will do just fine for Agnes Fenton.