Episode 102: Leaving Tinkertown

Growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico writer Tanya Ward Goodman was joined at the hip with her father Ross Ward, a nationally known carnival artist and creator of the whimsical Tinkertown Museum.  Years later, when Ross was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s...

100 Episodes Strong

I’m old enough to remember watching the televised Watergate hearings, and today’s live broadcast of former FBI Director James Comey testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee was no less riveting. It was so hard to look away from the television, I nearly...

Episode 97: Anything For That Smile

Loretta Veney’s greatest fear is that her mother will outlive her money.  Her great grandmother lived to age 107 and her grandmother to age 98.  Neither had dementia.  But Loretta’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at age 77.  In today’s show, Loretta...

Episode 95: Best Foot Forward

Canadian author Rick Lauber is among a growing number of male caregivers who provide support alone or with the help of siblings.  In today’s show, Rick talks about moving his parents from Vancouver Island closer to his home in Edmonton, co-caregiving with his two...