“Last Things: A Graphic Memoir About ALS” is a radical departure from the previous work of award-winning author and illustrator Marissa Moss, who is best known for her popular “Amelia’s Notebooks” series.  In today’s show Marissa talks about the process of writing “Last Things,” a deeply personal story of how she coped with the devastating effects of her husband Harvey’s illness. A renowned art historian and UC Berkeley professor, Harvey died less than 7 months after being diagnosed with Bulbar ALS.  From being stared at in public because of how Harvey looked and why swimming kept Marissa sane to the reaction of her sons (14, 10 and 6 when Harvey died) to their father’s decline and how Jewish grieving rituals helped her, Marissa lays it all on the table and shares her hopes for the book.  She also reads a passage from “Last Things,” and she explains how magic paperclip bracelets helped her youngest son, Asa, get rid of his nightmares.

Harvey holding Asa, with Marissa, Elias & Simon


Marissa’s website: marissamoss.com/
Marissa’s graphic memoir page: Last Things

Music: “Growing Silence” by Ketsa | CC BY NC ND | Free Music Archive