Huffington Post Senior Writer Ann Brenoff writes about caregiving from the perspective of her own hard-earned truths. In today’s episode she describes her harrowing experience of going from having a full, active life with her husband to seeing him leveled by acute kidney failure and becoming the equivalent of his nurse. Ann also talks about what she’s hearing from other caregivers as a result of her column, why it’s important for caregivers to speak out and how she’s attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy in her kids’ lives despite their father’s condition. Tune in for a moving conversation with a spouse, mother and truth teller adjusting to a life she never imagined.
Click on the titles below to read the articles mentioned in the program:
No, Caregiving Is NOT Rewarding. It Simply Sucks. (6/23/16)
8 Things You Should Never Say To A Caregiver — And Why (6/30/16)
When Caregivers Are Honest, It Makes Folks VERY Uncomfortable (8/4/16)
For a full list of Ann’s Huffington Post articles click here: HuffPost
Learn more about acute kidney failure: Mayo Clinic
Music: “Arashi” by Kakurenbo | CC BY NC | Free Music Archive