Dr. Maxine Borowsky Junge, artist, psychotherapist and co-author of the book, “Dear Myra, Dear Max: A Conversation About Aging,” returns to the show to talk about what she discovered on a trip to upstate New York where—with her adult children in tow—she visited three living communities designed for older adults. Now 80 years old and living alone on Whidbey Island (WA), Max can’t afford to stay in her house much longer but she’s determined to fulfill her priorities for the next stage of her life. She tells us how she decided which communities to visit and what sort of questions she asked of the marketing people she met with, including how they treat dying and death at their communities. Max also talks about how her kids participated in the adventure and reacted to the communities. She offers her thoughts on ageism and how adult children can maintain a healthy attitude toward aging parents. Click here to listen to our previous interview with Max Junge: Episode 137: Dear Max
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Check out the book: “Dear Myra, Dear Max: A Conversation About Aging”
Music: “Turning On The Lights” by Blue Dot Sessions | CC BY NC | Free Music Archive