Rx4good President Ann Moravick expands on her piece for Forbes digital magazine titled, “What’s Love Got to Do with It? When Caring for a Business and Caregiving Converge.” Ann’s parents were in good health into their nineties, but in the summer of 2017 her mother was hospitalized three times and her father underwent a cardiac procedure that ultimately led to his death. She explains why becoming a caregiver was as daunting– if not more– than starting her own business, and tells us how caring for her parents changed her relationship with them and what she learned from her caregiving experience. Ann also talks about the challenges and promises of healthcare today and the work of her company Rx4good, whose goal is to help companies make sure they listen to patients and caregivers when they’re developing clinical trials and support programs, or anything meant for the patient or caregiver.
Self-care gets a lot of play in the media, but the truth is we’re all connected and the practice of care involves many people, especially in times of crisis.
Learn more about Rx4good: Rx4good.com
Also mentioned in the show:
National Alliance for Caregiving: NAC
Caregiver Action Network: CAN
Ideo: www.ideo.com
- Ann Moravick
Music: “UpUpUp and Over” by Blue Dot Sessions | CC BY NC | Free Music Archive