Episode 58: The Person I Am In My Head

Fine artist Tony Luciani began taking photos of his 93-year-old mother Elia after she moved in with him in 2014. Primarily a painter, Tony initiated the photography project as a way to engage with his mother, who has dementia, and to create a keepsake for himself.  To...

Episode 51: Then and Now

An update on last summer’s interview with a New Yorker named Tim, whose dad is in the late stages of Parkinson’s disease and whose stoic mother refused outside help until recently.  Tim talks about what’s changed with his parents since we last spoke with him, why his...

Episode 9: Return Of The Prodigal Son

As a teenager Tim couldn’t wait to get away from his parents, but now, at age 50, he visits them regularly at their home in Connecticut. It feels far away from Manhattan, where for the past 25 years Tim has lived as an openly gay man. But the home front beckons: his...